January 14th 2011
7lbs 12oz - 21 inches
WE are enjoying our new bundle of joy ;)
Introducing OUR newest product- Wetpouches
Our wet pouches are handmade in our studio using waterproof poly laminate fabrics with an air tight contruction. Great for cloth diapering, gym clothing or swim suits. The better choice for the planet instead of disposable bags :)
Available for pre-order and will available ready to made on Etsy in a variety of colors! E-mail us for pre-order custom for limited time!
FancyCloth wet bags comes in 4 sizes
LARGE-Measuring in at approx 17 X 20. Has handle for easy storage. Perfect for storing dirty laundry @ home or on vacation! Waterproof and Air tight.
Wash with dirty clothes inside out!
MEDIUM-For on-the-go. Perfect size for fitting in diaper bag :) Will fit 6 prefolds and cover. Great for swimwear or gym clothing! Waterproof and air tight. Measuring approx. 10" X 13"
SMALL- Waterproof and air tight pouch. Great for on-the-go storing wet cloth wipes or concealing mama pads. Measuring approx 9" X 5"
MINI-bring your cloth nursing pads with you easily with this waterproof and airtight pouch. or use it to store dirty ones while out. Measuring approx. 5" X 5"
and hearts
In the meantime our FancyCloth quick-sew-longie pattern is still available for purchase on Etsy :)
Congrats my boy is named Charlie and we even use CHarlie Banana diapers! :)